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General & Preventative Treatments

General & Preventative

- Fillings

- Extractions

- Root Canal

- Crowns

- Bridges

- Dentures

- Diagnosis 

- Treatment of dental pain

- Treatment for jaw and facial pain


- Flouride application

- Fissure Sealants for protection against tooth decay

- Dental hygiene, scale and polish to treat bad breath and gum disease 

- Treatment for swelling, soreness or infection of the gums

- Detection of early decay and prevention of  unnecessary  discomfort

- Bite guards to prevent tooth wear and jaw ache associated with clenching and grinding

- Oral cancer screening

Cosmetic Treatments


- White Fillings

- Tooth Whitening

- Veneers

- Crowns & Bridges

- Dental Implants

- Orthodontics

Emergency Dentistry


Dental emergencies can happen at any time and often at the most inconvenient time!


We do our very best at William Street Dental to see patients with genuine emergencies as quickly as possible, we are experiencing high volumes of patients at the moment, thank you for your patience at this time. For emergencies It is best to call us on 02751424. 


For emergency help outside of office hours please call us and listen to our voicemail for alternative contact numbers.


Here are some helpful tips for the most common dental emergencies;


Broken Tooth

Rinse the affected area immediately with warm water. If possible bring any pieces of the tooth with you to your appointment 


Knocked Out Teeth

Try and find the tooth if possible and submerge the tooth in milk immediately, trying not to touch the root surface. If milk is not available, gently rinse the tooth and place it in a damp tissue or try to place the tooth gently back in its own socket and hold it in place with gentle pressure. Try and get to the practice as soon as possible, the faster we get to see you the more likely we can save the tooth.


Knocked Out Crown

If you still have the crown, apply a small amount of toothpaste or chewing gum to it and carefully reattach it to the appropriate tooth.

This should work as a temporary measure until you are able to reach our practice.


Severe Toothache 

Firstly, rinse and floss around the affected tooth to ensure there is no debris around the gum that is causing the pain. If the pain persists contact us on 02751424. Tooth pain is often  a sign of infection, which can be a serious problem if left untreated and allowed to spread. Please do not take a 'Wait and See Approach' to tooth pain.







You don't have to live with your crooked teeth if you don't want to!


There is a common misconception as to the cause of crooked or crowded teeth, many believe that it is due to having too many teeth but in reality the real reason is because there is simply not enough room for the normal number of teeth to fit naturally. In most cases it is not understood why jaws do not grow big enough to accommodate all your teeth. Another misconception is how to correct these issues, the extraction of teeth to make room is not always necessary, Orthodontic treatments often involves expansion to create space for the teeth, without the need to remove teeth.


There are numerous forms of treatment and treatment plans available for both adults and children to improve smiles whilst taking into account your lifestyle, budget and dental health. There are ways of improving your smile other than wearing braces.


We also provide a range of treatments for straightening crooked teeth using removable braces, nickel-titanium wire braces, tooth coloured braces, clear braces etc.


Veneers may also be used to mask or hide crooked teeth. Treatment plans require careful consideration and can be done to suit lifestyle and budget.


We would be delighted to discuss any Orthodontic treatments with you to create your perfect smile! Initially we will make an orthodontic assessment and advise you of the treatments that best suit you and whether you will benefit from in house treatment at William Street Dental or if you require a Orthodontic referral.






Dental Hygienist
Dental Hygienist
Children's Dentistry 

We strongly believe that caring for children's teeth and teaching them good oral and health habits early in life is vital. Even if your child has baby teeth the way in which they are cared for can effect the health of their permanent adult teeth.


A baby is not born with a sweet tooth. We believe that it is important to emphasise the importance of a healthy diet in the prevention of decay. Fewer holes in baby teeth, generally means fewer holes in adult teeth.


Other ways of helping to keep your child's teeth healthy is the use of fissure sealants which help prevent decay in vunerable back teeth.

At William Street Dental we strongly believe early prevention is the best policy for your child to have a happy and healthy smile.


The first dental visit to the dentist for a child can be the most important of their lives as their first dental experience will often effect how they view dentistry and dental health as adults. Children who attend the dentists on a regular basis will have a much more positive view of dentistry for the rest of their lives and may result in fewer fillings.

Early preventative care will protect your child's teeth and reduce the need for treatment later in life.


When we meet you and your child for the first time we spend time establishing a rapport and gaining their trust, The key to paediatric dentistry is to build trust and find a level where they can relate to us. At the first visit we will also assess the dental treatment your child needs, if any, and gradually acclimatise them to treatment, always treating the child at their own individual pace.


As children tend to have short attention spans, we often break treatments up over a number of visits. The key is listening to your child, encouraging them to engage with us and for them to feel comfortable answering any questions we may ask them. Essentially we encourage them to take control of their treatment, as a young child will often wait for their parents to deal with the situation. and this can often effect the relationship between your child and our dentist. The reason for us building this relationship is when we are carrying out a treatment we need them to let us know if they are feeling any discomfort and if they are able for us to continue treatment. 


How do I prepare my child for their first dental visit?

The first thing we say to all parents is that your child is really smart and if they hear you talk of any negative dental experiences you may have had they are going to mirror your behaviour.

If you need to bring your child to the dentist be sure to be mindful of how you describe your experience as it may impact their view.

The second piece of advice we give parents is the need to build rapport with your child before we commence any treatment. For their first appointment we will use a 'Tell, show and do' technique using non dental language when explaining what we are going to do to help them mind their teeth. We encourage any questions or queries you or your child may have. 

Sometimes it takes a few visits to gain trust and co-operation of your child with positive affirmation of good behaviour and disapproval of unwanted behaviour. Usually then we can complete treatment. 


When should your child attend a dentist?

It is well accepted that the earlier a child visits a dentist the better. We recommend anytime from the age of 2 onwards, As they are so young they have no pre conceived ideas of what to expect. We introduce them to the surgery, the chair the overhead light and the instruments. Our aim is to give your child a good idea of the surroundings and to give them a chance to build up a relationship with us, should they need any treatment with us. So, should they need any treatments, they will know us and how everything works! 

Going to the dentist should be a good experience and our aim is to ensure that your child enjoys their time at William Street Dental.

Nervous Patients
Nervous Patients

Are you a nervous patient?

We understand the fear that some people have about visiting the dentist is real and we take it very seriously at William Street Dental. This fear is often as a result of past experiences or pre conceived ideas. If you suffer from a fear don't worry, you're in good hands at William Street Dental! We see nervous patients every week, let us know that you are nervous and we'll do our best to put you at ease. If you have any question before your appointment call our reception and we'll be happy to answer any queries or concerns you may have, you can call us on 02751424


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